When Is Enough Enough? (Or why should young women expect to be groped or harassed every time they go out?)

I think it’s the perfect day to reblog this.

Leonie Rogers

As regular followers of my blog probably know, I have a bit of a feminist bent. My last post was about heading off to celebrate our daughter’s twenty-first birthday in the town where she attends university.

Over the last few days we’ve been chatting and catching up, and one of the subjects that came up was going out for the evening to a pub or club to go dancing. Our daughter enjoys dancing, doesn’t tend to drink when she’s out because she always has to drive home, and doesn’t go out a lot, but like many young women, enjoys the occasional night out.

But she tells me that pretty well every time she goes out, she and her female friends have to fend of ‘handy’ young men. It’s not unusual, it’s just what happens all the time.

There are apparently a number of techniques that these young men use…

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Drought, Governments, and City-Centric Focus

I live in rural NSW. Although I'm not a farmer, I know quite a number who are, both in my personal life and my professional life. As a town dweller, I can bemoan how dry the countryside is, but it doesn't have quite the same impact on me that it does on my farmer contacts. … Continue reading Drought, Governments, and City-Centric Focus